
Player Management International has a reputation for being honest, knowledgeable and one of the leaders in the industry. We have fully committed ourselves to providing superior sponsor service, while also maintaining productive, working relationships with race teams.

This provides us access for our clients that most other sponsors do not enjoy.

The relationships we have with team owners, general managers, and drivers within the sport of auto racing allow us to get meaningful information that is extremely beneficial in negotiating the best deal possible for our clients. With the cost of sponsorships continuing to rise, it is of great value to our clients that we have a finger on the pulse of the race world.

Our clients enjoy advanced information that allows us to negotiate a cost-effective, high profile sponsorship deal on their behalf. Our job is to negotiate on behalf of the sponsor and get the best deal possible.

We also facilitate conference calls between our clients and other motorsports sponsors that will allow us to further explore business-to-business opportunities and how we can collectively work together to enhance the respective motorsports programs.

Motorsports Services